Music and The Home Computer |
John M. Zeigler, Ph.D. |
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ew connections are as natural as music and computers; the inherently mathematical roots of music and the ability of computers to process large amounts of numerical information quickly led to the early development of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) to allow large computers both to communicate with musical instruments and produce music digitally. More recently, the explosion of both the number and power of home PC's has placed computer-based music within the reach of almost any user of a home computer.
In Music and The Home Computer, we'll describe some of the interesting ways that the home computer user can learn about, enjoy, and even create music. We'll discuss how you can use your home computer to enjoy and increase your knowledge of music through "music appreciation" software, aid in learning an instrument, indulge your creative impulses by actually writing and publishing music on the computer, describe how music and sound are created on the PC and discuss digital music. Each of these is a large area and we can only scratch the surface in talking about them here. We hope that, through these articles, we can at least help make you aware of how your computer can enrich your life and that of your children through music.
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