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Tips for Parents and Students


John M. Zeigler, PhD and Nancy L. Ostromencki
Rio Rancho, NM  USA


n this section of The Piano Education Page, we offer useful bits of advice for students of the piano, children and adults, and their parents. These tips concern matters which are sufficiently general in nature to be of value to most students of the piano. They should not be taken literally against the advice of your own piano teacher, since he or she knows your personal needs better than anybody else. If there is a topic that's missing here that you would like us to address, just let us know by e-mail.


keyinfo.gif (1045 bytes)Parents may also find some of the articles in The Teaching Studio useful, even though they are directed at piano teachers.


Your Child and Lessons

When Should My Child Begin Lessons? - how you can tell if your child is ready and able to benefit from lessons

"Fun" and Piano Lessons - finding the right balance between fun and learning

Some Common Misconceptions about Piano Lessons - make your lessons more enjoyable and effective by understanding mistakes people make

Being a Supportive Parent of a Piano Student - small things a parent can do to encourage a student

Taking an Active Role in Your Child's Piano Training - how you can help your teacher and your child by volunteering

My Kid Wants to Quit Piano!?!? - some ideas for the parent whose child is losing interest in lessons

Suggested Practice Techniques - tips on how to practice correctly and efficiently

Using a Home Computer For Music Education - simple ways to supplement music education with your home computer

Motivating Students - Just Whose Job Is It? - who should do it and how


Dealing with Performance Anxiety - The Three P's - avoiding jitters and memory problems and other kinds of nervousness when performing

Memorizing Music for Performance - tips for preparing a memorized work or piece

Competitions - Preparation and Expectations - getting ready for and getting the most out of competition experiences

Master Classes - what they are and why piano students and parents should be interested in them

Chamber Music/Ensemble Playing - the joys and values of ensemble participation

Piano and the Home Computer

Using a Home Computer For Music Education- simple ways to supplement music education with your home computer

Choosing and Using Music Software in the Studio and Home - properly evaluating and using music software in the home

Music and The Home Computer series - a series of articles on various ways you can increase musical knowledge and experience with your computer

Piano for Life

Preparation for Music as a Career - things the prospective musician should know

Tips for Adult Piano Students - ways for the adult student to get the most from lessons

Resources for Impaired Piano Students and Their Teachers - tips and resources for the challenged piano student and his parents

Piano Camps and Other Enrichment Opportunities - some things you should know about piano camps and why you might consider attending one

Page created: 8/2/95
Last updated: 02/09/24
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Reprinting from the Piano Education Page The Piano Education Page, Op. 10, No. 2,
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