The Studio Pack FAQ




his page carries answers to some of the most common questions about The Studio Pack. We have found that using The Studio Pack is virtually trouble-free for most teachers, but this page should help if you have either problems or questions. We update it with new information as necessary.




Q: What are the computer "system requirements" to use The Studio Pack?
A: Since The Studio Pack is a collection of document templates, the system requirements are those of whatever word processor you plan to load them into. To use them in WordPerfect®, you need WordPerfect version 6 or later and a computer that can run that version of WordPerfect. The files take up about 2.5 megabytes on your hard disk for version 1.5, plus a roughly similar amount of space for customized versions you create. The requirements for users of Microsoft Word® are similar to those stated above. Version 1.5 is delivered on a Windows/Macintosh hybrid CD-ROM which can be read by both types of computer.

Q: My computer doesn't have a floppy drive. Can I get The Studio Pack on diskette?
A: For those who need a diskette, we can supply The Studio Pack in that format, upon request. If you need a diskette, please tell us whether you need it in IBM-compatible or Macintosh format, since older Macintoshes cannot read some IBM diskette formats.

Q: Will The Studio Pack work on a Macintosh version of WordPerfect® or Word®?
A: Generally, if you have a Macintosh version of WordPerfect or Word, you should be able to use The Studio Pack templates. The file formats are identical and are handled the same way. You may have to use the special Word instructions for using the templates in WordPerfect for Macintosh. We have several Mac users who have successfully used The Studio Pack. Please tell us on your order form if you need a Macintosh format disk or CD-ROM.

Q: I have MS Office 97----will The Studio Pack open in that format?
A: Since all versions of Office include Word, which can open WordPerfect files (you may have to install the WordPerfect file converter from your Word disk), users of Office® can use The Studio Pack templates in Word.

Q: I do not have Word Perfect or Word. I have Microsoft Works®. Will The Studio Pack work with Works?
A: Most versions of Works will open WordPerfect files. For more information, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article at:;en-us;884182#XSLTH3124121122120121120120. Once you have the template open in Works, you handle it in the same way that the templates are handled in Word. A special instruction file, SPNONWP.INS, is included on the distribution disk, which explains how to use The Studio Pack templates in word processors other than WordPerfect.

Q: Are there any plans for a Microsoft Word®-specific version of The Studio Pack?
A: Word handles template macros in a completely different, and less secure, way than WordPerfect. Because of this, a complete rewrite of the templates would be necessary to incorporate the automation features available in the WordPerfect version. Since the template prompts can be handled quite simply and quickly in Word with search-and-replace operations, we do not plan to create a Word-specific version at this time.

Q: Can I get The Studio Pack en Español?
A: Since we are not native speakers of Spanish, we cannot provide The Studio Pack in a Spanish language version.

Ordering The Studio Pack

Q: I need The Studio Pack now! What's the fastest way to get it?
A: Since the cost of The Studio Pack barely covers our time to ship it, we don't take credit card orders or orders paid in funds other than U.S. Dollars. We do accept personal checks, but must wait for them to clear the bank before shipment. For fastest service, please include payment by money order and send the order by FedEx next day air. For an extra twenty dollars, we can ship The Studio Pack back to you by FedEx next day air.

Q: I live outside the U.S. Can I get The Studio Pack?
A: Because of currency and customs issues, we do not currently ship outside the U.S.

Installing and Uninstalling The Studio Pack

Q: When I insert the Studio Pack CD, after a few seconds, a message pops up asking if Windows Vista should be allowed to run the file or Cancel running it. Is it safe to Allow?
A: This message is part of the new Windows Vista Data Execution Prevention feature. It's intended to intercept viruses from running in the background without your knowledge. The Studio Pack install program has been thoroughly checked for viruses and spy-ware. It's safe to click on Allow. If you have special concerns, you can click Cancel and run your antivirus program on the contents of the Studio Pack CD to assure yourself of the safety of its contents.

Q: I used the installation program on The Studio Pack diskette, but can't find the files. What now?
A: By default, The Studio Pack installation program installs both the templates and the instruction files in the directory c:\studiopk. Open your word processor and point it to that directory, in the word processor's File,Open dialog. You should see files with names ending in .WPT (the templates), .INS (the corresponding instruction files) and .WPD (WordPerfect versions of some helpful Piano Education Page files). All these files are in WordPerfect 6 format.

Q: Do I have to use the installation program to install The Studio Pack?
A: No, the files can simply be copied to your hard disk. We strongly suggest that you create a separate directory for them, which you can do from the Windows Explorer or the Mac Finder program. Once you've copied the files into that directory, just point your word processor at that directory you put them in to access them.

Q: How do I install The Studio Pack on a Macintosh?
A: The install program provided on the distribution disk is a standard DOS batch file, which will not work on a Mac unless you are running DOS emulation software. However, the files can simply be copied to the hard disk. Using the Mac Finder program, create a new folder on your hard disk for The Studio Pack files. Then, just drag the files on the distribution diskette to that folder and you're ready to open them. The Studio Pack does not require any changes to your System folder or the addition of any Extensions.

Q: I'm done with The Studio Pack original files. Do I have to uninstall them to remove them?
A: The Studio Pack install program makes no changes to the Windows Registry, so The Studio Pack can be removed from your hard disk simply by deleting its directory and files. No uninstall program is necessary, although one is provided for ease of removal. Similarly, since The Studio Pack adds no files to the System folder on a Macintosh, the folder containing the files can simply be moved to Trash. Note that it is a very good idea to put your customized versions of the files in a different directory from The Studio Pack installation directory, so that you can delete the original templates without deleting your customized versions.

Using The Studio Pack

Q: I'm using Windows Vista. When I launch the HTML Studio Pack Manual or the Uninstall program from the Studio Pack folder, I get an error message saying that Windows could not find the shortcut destination. Is something wrong?
A: No. You'll note that the Manual and uninstall program will load and run normally, despite the error message. This only happens in Vista versions of Windows for highly technical reasons. Just click OK on the error message and it will disappear.

Q: How do I use The Studio Pack templates?
A: To use the templates, start your word processor, then click on File, Open. In the resulting dialog box, point the word processor to the directory in which you installed The Studio Pack (C:\STUDIOPK in the default installation) and open the template of choice (a file having a .WPT extension). It's also usually valuable to open the corresponding instruction file (having a .INS extension) at the same time and use the Window, Tile Horizontally command in your word processor to display the instructions below the template file.

Q: I have opened a Studio Pack template in version 7 or later of WordPerfect and gotten a message saying that the file format needs to be converted. What should I do?
A: To maintain maximum compatibility with all modern versions of WordPerfect, the template files are maintained in WordPerfect 6 format, since that format can be opened by all versions of WordPerfect after version 6. Just allow WordPerfect to convert the template files automatically and proceed with customization. They will work fine.

Q: Should I overwrite The Studio Pack files with my customized versions of them?
A: No! File,Save As... your customized versions to a new name and, preferably, a different directory. That way, if you want to start afresh, you don't have to reinstall The Studio Pack. Under no circumstances, should you run The Studio Pack from the distribution diskette. If you overwrite the original templates on the diskette, there is no way to get them back. To prevent this from happening, it's a good idea to write protect the distribution diskette by engaging the diskette's write-protect tab.

Q: What are the differences in using The Studio Pack templates with WordPerfect and using them in Word or any other word processor that can read WordPerfect files?
A: The Studio Pack templates take advantage of WordPerfect's macro features to automate the process of customizing the templates. When you open them in WordPerfect, they will walk you through the process of basic customization. In Word or Ami Pro® (found in Lotus SmartSuite®), the automated prompts appear in the imported documents as caretted prompts with descriptive names: e.g. "<studio_name>". In these other word processors, you simply search for a left caret to find the first prompt, highlight it (including both carets), then click Edit, Replace, and insert your replacement text ("Susie's Piano Studio" in the example above), then click Replace All, once you're certain it's right. The word processor will replace all occurrences of that prompt with your studio information. Repeat this process until all the caretted prompts are replaced. This takes slightly longer, but works just as well as the automated process in WordPerfect. This whole process is explained in more detail in the SPNONWP.INS file on the distribution diskette.

Q: I have finished the automated part of filling in the templates (or done so by search-and-replace operations in Word). What should I do now?
A: The first thing you should do is File,Save As...the customized file to a new name and directory, different from the name and directory of the original template file. That way, you won't overwrite the original template file. After that, you should read the customized version carefully, making changes and additions anyplace you believe they are needed to further customize the documents for your situation and studio. There are plenty of places within the templates where you can add new information to put your personal touch on the documents. You can also swap out graphics or change virtually any other part of the document after automated customization is completed.

Q: Can you help me with the non-automated part of the customization process?
A: Users of The Studio Pack should keep in mind that the goal of the templates is to provide the piano teacher with the means to develop studio documents quickly. The templates supply basic information to students and parents in a pre-formatted form that will be applicable in most studios. The structure provided by the templates allows the teacher to concentrate on sharing information with the studio's clients, rather than spending many hours or days organizing and formatting such documents. However, we strongly suggest that you read the resulting customized document carefully, adding any information or policies that you deem necessary or desirable and deleting information that you don't want in your document. The corresponding instruction file for each template offers general tips for things you might want to consider for addition to the customized document. In the end, only you know the specifics of your studio situation, so we cannot, in that sense, tell you what additional information you should provide, beyond that already in the templates.

Q: I double-clicked on a Studio Pack .INS instruction file in Explorer and got an error message from Windows. What's wrong?
A: Nothing is wrong. Newer versions of Windows use the .INS extension to identify (associate) certain Internet configuration files. Since The Studio Pack instruction files are actually WordPerfect documents, not Internet configuration files, they produce this error when double-clicked in Explorer or any other Windows file manager. Just open your word processor and load the instruction file you want to view in it and all will be fine.

Copyright Information

Q: Can I copyright my customized studio documents?
A: Your customized documents are yours to copyright if you see fit, so long as you maintain The Studio Pack copyright notice in your copyrighted version, as required by law.

Q: Can I transfer The Studio Pack for use by another teacher?
A: The Studio Pack is licensed to registered owners. It is a violation of the license and of copyright law to allow another person to create customized files or revised templates from a set not licensed to that person.

More Information

Q: I have a question about The Studio Pack not covered on The Studio Pack home page or in this FAQ. Can you help?
A: Almost all the questions that we have received are covered in this FAQ or on the home page. If you have one that isn't answered in either of those places, you can ask a question by e-mail about The Studio Pack. Most questions during normal business hours are answered within 24 hours, often within one hour. If your question concerns the specifics of running The Studio Pack or a problem with it, be to include in your e-mail as full a description as possible of your computer hardware (make and model, amount of memory, video card) and your word processor (name and version number - from the Help,About menu of the word processor)

The Studio Pack Page, © Copyright 1995 - 2009 John M. Zeigler. All rights reserved


Last updated: 02/09/24
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Reprinting from the Piano Education Page The Piano Education Page, Op. 10, No. 2,
© Copyright 1995-2025 John M. Zeigler. All rights reserved.