Example Studio Pack
Template Front Pages
Template |
 Computer Lab Policy
Template |
 Studio Brochure
Template |
Same Personalized Front Pages
Studio Policy |
Computer Lab Policy |
Studio Brochure |
Currently, these templates are meant
to be used with WordPerfect 6 and higher. They can be imported into any other word
processor system which can read WordPerfect 6 or later files, but we do not currently
support other word processors and cannot guarantee perfect importation. For most users of
word processors other than WordPerfect (e.g., Microsoft Word), the templates can be used
as imported. Standard search-and-replace operations replace the automated insertion of
personal information when the templates are used with word processors other than
WordPerfect 6 or above. A special instruction document for users of word processors other
than WordPerfect is included on The Studio Pack diskette. Users of WordPerfect 6 or higher for the Macintosh can also use these
templates in the same manner that users of word processors other than WordPerfect can use
them. Future upgrades will bring these documents to other word processors.
Basic familiarity with WordPerfect or other word
processor is a prerequisite for use of the templates. The templates and instruction
documents use slightly over 1 Mb of disk space. Although the template documents are
copyrighted and may not be reproduced or utilized unlicensed, the personalized versions
produced from them by licensed users are the property of the licensed user to copyright if
he/she so desires.
For answers to common
questions about the Studio Pack, see our Studio Pack
The Studio Pack includes the disk
containing the templates and instruction documents, along with a printed document
providing basic information and installation instructions. Installation is done
automatically by a program on The Studio Pack disk.
The Studio Pack can also be obtained on the
PEP CD Plus, along with the
entire, full text and graphics content of The Piano Education Page, for $69.95, plus $5 S+H - an
over $30 discount for both disks, if ordered separately. To order, print the form below, fill it in, and mail with check
or money order for $49.95 (plus $40 if next day FedEx delivery is desired).
I want to order The Studio Pack!
Name: |
Street Address: |
City |
State |
Zip |
E-mail address: |
Phone: |
___ IBM Diskette ___ Windows/Macintosh
CD-ROM (default) |
Studio Pack ($49.95 plus $5 S+H) Quantity:
________ Studio Pack with The Piano
Education Page (CD only) ($69.95 + $5 S+H) Quantity: ______ |
Send this form and appropriate payment (U.S. funds, check or money order payable to: Silchemy,
(include $5 S+H, add $40 for next day FedEx delivery) to:
- Studio Pack
- Silchemy
- 338 Nicklaus Dr., SE
- Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Please write "Studio Pack" on the check or money order. Please
allow 4 weeks for mail delivery. For
more information, see our Studio Pack FAQ. |