Downloadable Musical Graphics |
John M. Zeigler, Ph.D. |
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ere we provide a depiction of some of the general-use musical graphics that we have developed for The Piano Education Page. Teachers and individuals may download them and use them royalty-free on newsletters, individual non-commercial or teacher web sites, and non-commercial educational materials, so long as they meet all the conditions outlined on Reprinting from The Piano Education Page. You must request our permission as indicated on Reprinting from The Piano Education Page to legally use these copyrighted graphics! They are offered "as-is". While all have been tested (hundreds of times every day!) and are thought to be in correct order, we cannot be responsible for the condition of the graphics or the way in which you use them. They may NOT be downloaded for commercial or resale purposes or for the purpose of offering them to others on a web site, though they may be used on a web site in accordance with the policies on Reprinting from The Piano Education Page. If you use them in any way, you may NOT grant permission for others to use them. Such requests should be directed to us. Please be patient in allowing time for the large number of graphics on this page to display!
To download these graphics, after receiving permission for use, just right click the graphic and choose Save Image (or similar command) from the popup menu.
Downloadable Musical GraphicsThe graphics shown below are mostly thumbnails of larger graphics. The larger versions, ones designated as "animated" and additional graphics not shown here are available on the PEP CD. The sizes available on the PEP CD are given in pixels |
Piano Keyboard Medium (201x40) |
Keyboard Welcome |
"Key Info" |
Animated Speaker |
3D Notes on Wood Background |
3D Notes on Wood Background |
3D Notes on Wood Background |
3D Notes on Wood Background |
3D Notes on Wood Background |
3D Notes on Wood Background |
Lizard Notes |
Turquoise Clef Background |
Large 3-D treble clef (100x236 pixels) |
Large 3-D Bass Clef (160x181 pixels) |
Rotating Animated |
Animated Metronome |
Medium Transparent 3-D Treble Clef |
Medium Transparent 3-D Bass Clef |
3D Half Note |
3D Quarter Notes |
Keyboard A key |
Keyboard B key |
Keyboard C key |
Keyboard D key |
Keyboard E key |
Keyboard F key |
Keyboard G key |
Animated |
Pianoforte Shield |
Pianoman Shield |
Piano Graffiti |
Jack-o-lantern |
3-D Ribbon |
Fingerpaint Background |
PEP Opus 9 Page Image |
Piano puzzle |
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The Piano Education Page, Op. 10, No. 2,
© Copyright 1995-2025 John M. Zeigler. All rights reserved.